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The Governing Body of Ysgol Tŷ Coch is an exceptionally motivated, supportive and challenging group of people. All Governors are active participants in school life and are present in school on a weekly basis. They contribute greatly to the organisation and efficient running of the school and are very skilled individuals. 

Sub-Committees meet regularly and the Full Governors meeting takes place at least once a term. Termly meetings of sub-committees include:

  • Standards Committee - Involved in monitoring standards, scrutinising work and play a passive role in lesson observations 
  • Health and Safety - Ensure that the premises are safe for pupils and staff and play an active role in planning projects and maintenance tasks
  • Finance - This committee is responsible with the Headteacher to ensure an accurate budget is set for each financial year. This committee then meets half termly to ensure spending is on track.

Our Governor sub-commitee structure is detailed below:-


Category of Governor

Appointed by


Mrs Janice Stuckey



Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal, HR, Pay Appeals, Finance, Standards and Impact, Performance Management

Mr Lyndon Walker

Vice Chairperson


Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal, Grievance/Capability, Staff Redundancy, Complaints, SalaryPremises and H&S, Standards and Impact, Community and Parental Links,

Community Cllr Jo Murphy



Pupil DiscipPerformance Management (Appeals)line and Exclusions, Grievance/Capability, Staff Redundancy, HR, Salary, Finance, Standards and Impact, Community and Parental Links, Performance Management (Appeals)

Mr Jeffrey Bridges



Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal (Appeals), Grievance/Capability (Appeals), Staff Redundancy (Appeals), Complaints, HR, Pay Appeals, Finance, Premises and H&S, Performance Management

Mrs Alison Tovey



Pupil Discipline and Exclusions, Staff Redundancy, Salary, Standards and Impact, Community and Parental Links

Mrs Emily Russ-Jones


Teaching Staff

Finance, Premises and H&S, Standards and Impact, Community and Parental Links

Miss Laura Davies


Non-Teaching Staff

Mr James Hall Member Community Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal, Grievance/Capability, Community and Parental Links

Ms Ciara Davies



Mrs Amanda Lewis Member Parent  
Mrs Aimee Hardman Member Parent  

Ms Nicola Collyer

Governor Support Officer


Mrs Ruth Jones Member Parent  

Mr Simon Wilson



HR, Finance, Premises and H&S, Standards and Impact, Community and Parental Links,

Please see the Governor Annual report for parents below.