School Council
Ysgol Ty Coch School Council is a group of pupils elected by their fellow pupils to represent their opinions and raise issues with the head teacher and governors in the school. The school council can also take forward projects on behalf of the pupils, and be involved in planning and things like the School Development Plan, governing body meetings and interviewing staff.
To be effective, the school council must:
- Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible
- Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views
- Feed back to pupils about what happened about their views
- Make things happen – or explain why they can’t!
Our children and young people who get involved in decision-making tell us it’s a good thing to do because:
- they feel listened to;
- they know that what they say counts.
- they gain important skills such as listening to others, putting their ideas across and working as a team;
- they get on better with adults;
- they see results;
- and because it’s fun!
YTC/BYC School Council currently consists of one class representative and one deputy, all key stage areas are involvedand the council meets half termly or more often as the need arises.
Useful links: