360 E-Safety Award
You will be aware the internet hosts many exciting opportunities for education. The online world is a wonderful place for young people to explore, with unprecedented opportunities for learning and creativity, but just like the real world there are risks and dangers that they should be aware of and which we should all act to protect them from. At Ysgol Ty Coch we encourage the use of technology as an important part of our students’ development but always want them to spend their time online safely. In order to ensure this safety we have a dedicated e-safety co-ordinator (Ashlie Holland) and an e-safety committee made up of staff, parents and Governors.
We provide ongoing up-to-date training for all children, young people, staff, governors, volunteers and parents. E-safety forms part of our digital curriculum and is evident in planning, policies and lessons.
We are currently undertaking the 360 degree Safe, Online Safety self review, which will highlight our good practice and enable us to apply for the Online Safety Mark.