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The Adventurers and Navigators

The Adventurers and Navigators Departments  



  • To promote the child’s language literacy and communication skills, Welsh and multi lingualism through Language, Literacy and Communication but also through all the AOLE’s as a cross curricular responsibility 

  • To promote the child’s mathematical development and their problem-solving skills through Maths and Numeracy but also through all the AOLE’s as a cross curricular responsibility  

  • To promote the child’s scientific and investigative skills through Science and Technology with digital skills through all the AOLE’s as a cross curricular responsibility 

  • To promote enquiry skills, religious and cultural development through Humanities 

  • To promote the child’s creative development such as creative skills, skills such as artistic skills including performing and designing through Expressive Arts 

  • To promote the child’s physical development through Health and Wellbeing and Physical Literacy 

  • To promote the child’s personal and social development through Health and Wellbeing 

  •  To provide a caring, stimulating environment where each child can explore, learn and develop their existing skills. 



Main objectives 


  • To provide pupils with a calm, friendly, caring environment taking into account their specific individual needs  

  • To enable children to communicate effectively, using augmentative forms of communication as appropriate. 


  • To develop pupils communication, literacy, numerical and digital skills so that they can apply their knowledge to a range of situations 

  • To work closely with other agencies in order to provide a multi- disciplinary approach. 

  • To develop children’s language and reasoning skills 

  • To encourage learning through direct experiences and problem solving. 

  • To provide opportunities for children to direct their own learning and make choices  

  • To develop children’s understanding of symbolic representation, reading and writing. 

  • To encourage children’s creativity and exploration.  

  • To promote empathy, respect and understanding of different choices and different points of view 

  • To understand about their own bodies and how to keep themselves safe 

  • To develop each individual child’s self – esteem, confidence and sense of achievement. 
    To promote the language and culture of Wales, Cynefin, opportunities to learn and experience aspects of multi linguilism, and promoting other cultures. 

  • To enable children to cope with fears, anxieties and difficult experiences with staff understanding Trauma Informed approaches. 

  • To develop good home/school links with parents and carers.