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Community Links

One of our core beliefs in Ysgol Ty Coch is that we should celebrate the work of the school on a local, regional and National Scale. In doing this, we hope to raise awareness of learning difficulties within the community and to celebrate the exceptional achievements of our pupils.

Being part of the community is very important to Ysgol Tŷ Coch. The school welcomes visitors and where possible aims to work in partnership with other educational establishments, local industries, organisations and individuals for the benefit of the pupils and the community.  We have links with other mainstream and special schools and units in the locality.

The types of promotional work the school is currently engaged with includes:

  • Christmas Fayre - We hold a Christmas Fayre every year and invite the local community and parents/guardians to come along.  This allows an opportunity for everyone to meet up for an afternoon of ‘fun and frolics’ where you can meet new friends.
  • Summer Fayre - We hold a Summer Fayre every year and invite the local community and parents/guardians to come along.  This allows an opportunity for everyone to meet up for an afternoon of ‘fun and frolics’ where you can meet new friends.
  • Womens Institute - We regularly open the school in order for the local women's institute can hold their meetings over a cup of coffee served by our pupils. At Christmas, our Post 16 catering group cook a full Christmas lunch for these ladies which always goes down incredibly well
  • Local Rotary Club Involvement - The Headteacher regularly attends local Rotary Club meetings to celebrate the work of the school. This often involves presentations which describe the work of the school
  • School Salon - We regularly open the school's hairdressing salon up to members of the public. Pupils regularly use the salon to have their hair cut. This is a task that many pupils find difficult. Our Hair and Beauty options group also cut the hair of local neighbours
  • Links with Local Politicians - The school enjoys good links with local politicians who help us celebrate our work more widely. This has included working with Mick Antoniv (AM) to cultivate the growing of the Devils Bit Scabious Plant in order to attract the very rare Marsh Fratillery Butterfuly. This is a very exciting project and you can read more at the following link 
  • Children's Commissioner for Wales visited school to speak with the pupils about Pupil Voice
  • Enterprise - YTC have enjoyed a very successful engagement with the Young Enterprise organisation. Most recently, this has involved selling our Christmas projects in collaboration with the Purple Shoots organisation
  • Local Business Support - We have a number of fantastic relationships with local businesses who support our work incredibly well. These include  LCB Construction, TESCO, Wild Orchid, GTFM, Elite, Cooperative Supermarket, Education Staff Solutions, New Directions, Cafe Rana, Ospreys RFC
  • Promoting the school with business and community links through Golf Days, Summer Ball.