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Assessment continues to be an integral part of teaching and learning in Ysgol Ty Coch.  Each lesson uses the Learning Wheel (previously the skills wheel) to reinforce the skills that the lesson addresses. All lessons refer to one of the six areas on the Skills Wheel and this is revised in the plenary where pupils are invited to comment on how well they think they have addressed that skill. Four purposes are embedded within the learning wheel and are referred to throughout the lessons.

OPPs are in place with all pupils to address their needs as identified in their Statement of Educational Needs.  These are broken down into three targets – Literacy (Oracy, Reading and Writing), Numeracy and Well Being including Digital Competency. These targets are assessed three times a year and new targets set where appropriate.  Pupils are encouraged to be involved with creating targets  and to take responsibility for tracking their own progress using a colour coding set out in the marking policy – tickled pink for achieved and green for growth for skills still developing.  This is reflected in the marking policy.

We use individual profiles of the Literacy and Numeracy Framework to inform planning.

Formative assessment occurs through the year as part of the Connecting steps package.   It consists of Routes to progression (Pre Progression1-3) and Pre Progression steps 4 through to Progression step 3. The majority of our learners are within Pre progression step 4-6  Progression step 1  and a minority of learners at Progression step  2. It assesses Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing  in accordance with the New Curriculum for Wales.

“Assessment should focus on identifying each individual learner’s strengths, achievements, areas for improvement and, if relevant, any barriers to learning. This understanding should be used by the practitioner, in discussion with the learner, to ascertain the next steps required to move learning forward, including any additional challenge and support required.

This should be achieved by embedding assessment into day-to-day practice in a way that engages the learner and makes it indistinguishable from learning. This allows the practitioner to respond to the individual needs of the full range of learners within their classroom on an ongoing basis.” Supporting Learner Progression: Assessment Guidance

Important points of assessment:

  •   where learners are in their learning

  •  where they need to go in their learning

  •   what needs to be done for them to get there, taking account of any barriers to their learning.

In the Primary department we use the Foundation Phase Profile, Connecting Steps,  P Scales , BPVS and Salford reading  and comprehension test to assess.

In KS3 and KS4 we use Connecting Steps to  assess Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing according to the new Curriculum for Wales, P Scales to assess the other subjects, BPVS and the Salford reading  and comprehension test . In addition to this, at KS4 pupils achieve accredited modules as  recognition of the work completed during their course.

Assessment in 6 form is from the Steps4Life package, this builds on the assessment from previously  as it "pulls through" assessment data  from Connecting Steps on literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing which is applicable to KS5. In addition, pupils are assessed on  PSE, digital skills, life skills including food, travel,self care and independence skills. In addition to this, pupils achieve accredited modules as recognition of the work completed during their course. Pupils also take the Salford reading  and comprehension test