Philosophy in the Explorers and younger years
Ysgol Tŷ Coch’s philosophy is that children will have the opportunity to learn through experiential, investigative and directed play activities. For our children it is important to achieve a balance between self-exploration and teacher intervention, in order to appropriately challenge pupils enabling them to reach their full potential. We believe that children are at the centre of our teaching, and that each child’s achievements should be celebrated. Learning is planned for through the six Areas of Learning. Learning opportunities are given a practical emphasis and consider opportunities for the LNF.
In the Explorers Department pupils learn through accessing the Non-maintained nursery curriculum (DAISY) as well as linking these areas to the AOLEs. The non-maintained nursery curriculum focuses on the areas of, Belonging, Communication, Exploration, Physical Development and Well-being. This in enhanced by pupils having access to opportunities to learn outdoors and alongside their peers. Pupils learn through a range of play, continuous and enhanced provision as well as more structured 1:1 and small group activities. Pupils also access learning through Attention Autism sessions which encourage pupils to engage with an activities and encourage communication through exciting and engaging activities. Pupils are also encouraged to engage in play activities where they learn to play alongside pupils with adults supporting them. In the Explorers Department, learners develop an array of skills through their opportunities to play. Staff work with learners to identify the different types of play as learners develop their skills. The Explorers department strives to devise play opportunities that can engage learners in the schemas of play that most naturally interest them which will enables professionals and observers to extend their learning.
promoting the child’s language literacy and communication skills, Welsh and multi lingualism
To promote the child’s mathematical development through exploration.
To promote the child’s exploration of the world and sense of belonging
To promote the child’s physical development
To promote the child’s wellbeing development
Main objectives
To provide children with a secure, happy, caring environment and taking into account their
specific needs.
To enable children to communicate effectively, using augmentative forms of communication as appropriate.
To work closely with other agencies in order to provide a multi- disciplinary approach.
To develop children’s language and reasoning skills
To encourage learning through direct experiences and problem solving.
To provide opportunities for children to direct their own learning and make choices through enhanced and continuous provision.
To develop children’s understanding of symbolic representation, reading and writing.
To encourage children’s creativity and exploration.
To develop each individual child’s self – esteem, confidence and sense of achievement.
To provide opportunities to learn and experience aspects of the Welsh culture, and that of other cultures.
To enable children to cope with fears, anxieties and difficult experiences.
To develop good home/school links with parents and carers.
To encourage learning through play, exploration and moving through the play schemas
Children have full access to the curriculum which has been differentiated to individual pupil needs taught in a variety of ways through practical work, role play, technology to name but a few.
A thematic approach to teaching and learning is adopted. The learning experience is extended through visitors to school such as musicians, governors, theatre groups and the local Community Police Officers. It is further extended through trips related to the current topics being taught.
All work is specifically tailored to the abilities of individual pupils and incorporates opportunities for pupils to practise skills and specific objectives in line with their OPPs and IDPs.
The curriculum is delivered through a structured framework which incorporates long, medium- and short-term planning, which ensures long term progression throughout each phase. There is an emphasis on skills and a cross curricular, practical and applied approach to learning. Pupils are encouraged to become independent thinkers.
Some pupils learn through a sensory approach and will access light/dark rooms and the hydrotherapy pool.
Some children, where necessary, work with speech therapists and physiotherapists. In addition, some children access the hydrotherapy pool while others access the local swimming pool. Areas of Learning such as Expressive Arts are promoted through visits by outside providers such as visiting theatre productions and musical providers.
The school highlights the need to reflect the individual priority needs for the pupils as identified in their IDP. Key experiences are planned through termly topics that provide a broad and balanced, exciting and relevant curriculum.
Due to the nature of our children, a strong emphasis is placed upon language, communication and conceptual development delivered through play activities.
There is an emphasis on practical learning opportunities that promote four purposes, skills, communication and independence.